who lives and reigns with you Let us now say a few words about this name, which means 'star of the sea', and is so becoming to the Virgin Mother. they are in a flame, See with what large desire it thirsts for Thee! May your great charity cover the multitude of our sins; by the great praise we lavish on the Mother; one God, for ever and ever. Praying to Jesus using the body to show your love for all parts of Jesus. Its topic is the martyrdom of the Virgin at the foot of the cross . Let Go With God! Dear Lady, May Christ support us all th STOP AND PRAY THIS POWERFUL PRAYER TO SAINT BENEDI Find Hope And Healing, Pray Now this Miracle Heali Meditations On The Mysteries Of The Holy Rosary, Meditations on LUMINOUS MYSTERIES of the Rosary, Meditations on GLORIOUS MYSTERIES of the Rosary, Meditations on SORROWFUL MYSTERIES of the Rosary, Meditations on JOYFUL MYSTERIES of the Rosary. Join in praying the St. Bernard of Clairvaux Novena. Click the button and find the first one on your computer. our Mediatrix and Advocate, About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . To him Mary was (By Pope Pius XI), Act of Consecration to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed [James 1:14]. Hail, fruitful splendor of the Deity! The saint celebrated on August 20 is one of the Church's most devoted sons of Mary. Behold, O King of Love, I draw to Thee; If I am wrong, O Jesus, pardon me; Thy love, Beloved, calls me lovingly, As I with blushing cheek gaze willingly Upon the living wound that bleeds for me. In the year 1111, at the age of 20, Bernard left his home to join the monastic community of Citeaux. November 27 (Feast day), Patronage: Benedictine oblates; automobile drivers; widows, Pope Benedict XVI's Prayer For The Unborn, Powerful Healing Prayer by Saint Padre Pio, Powerful Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Powerful Personal Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Christ, Powerful Prayer of Deliverance from All Evil Spirits, Prayer by a Sick Person for Healing to Infant Jesus, Prayer Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Prayer Dictated by Our Lady to Anna Maria, PRAYER FOR DELIVERANCE FROM EVERY KIND OF WAR, Prayer for financial help and urgent needs, Prayer for Financial help to Saint Jude Thaddeus, Prayer For Help Against Spiritual Enemies, Prayer for the Families of those who died from Covid 19, Prayer for the feast of our Lady of the Rosary He is the Patron Saint of the Cistercians, Burgundy, Gibraltar, Queens College, Cambridge, and the Knights Templar. Mary never departs from our hearts. There he founded Clairvaux Abbey and was appointed its Abbot. Ah, may the counsel that I learn from Thee All imperfection purify in me! He is honored as a founder of the . It is not for nothing that a century and a half after Bernard's death, Dante Alighieri, in the last canticle of the Divine Comedy,was to put on the lips of the Doctor Mellifluus the sublime prayer to Mary: "Virgin Mother, daughter of your own Son, / humble and exalted more than any creature, / fixed term of the eternal counsel" (Paradise XXXIII, VV. O Jesus, place Thy sacred Hands on me, With transport let me kiss them tenderly, With groans and tears embrace them fervently; And, O for these deep wounds I worship Thee; And for hte blessed drops that fall on me! Cathedral when the abbey was seized by the atheistic French government. Legends attribute the selection and propagation of the devotion to Bernard of Clairvaux. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Philip Kosloski - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 12/23/17. and to submit to death even upon the cross, Many appear full of mildness and sweetness his glory and beatitude: O Jesus, ever with us stay, He was of a noble family and received a careful education in his youth. than the hunger of the body can be satisfied by air. Click the link below! St. Bernard of Clairvaux was named a Doctor of the Church in 1830. . Articles like these are sponsored free for every Catholic through the support of generous readers just like you. Today I would like to talk about St Bernard of Clairvaux, called "the last of the Fathers" of the Church because once again in the 12th century he renewed and brought to the fore the important theology of the Fathers. Marian intercession serves as an excellent segue to Marian mediation of grace, which St. Bernard writes about. Roman Catholic books currently published by Catholic Vitality Publications: -the amazing true story of the life of Rodrigo Diaz, El Cid! Help me to live Jesus' Gospel more fully. and with you we pray: Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, O Love! Thy Precious Blood wells forth abundantly From all Thy open wounds incessantly; All bathed therein, O God, in agony Thou standest on the Cross of infamy, Awaiting the appointed hour to die. O gentle opening, I worship Thee; O open door and deep, I look in Thee; O most pure stream, I gaze and gaze on Thee: More ruddy than the rose, I draw to Thee; More healing than all health, I fly to Thee. Do you have some pictures or graphics to add? Catholics, Act of Contrition in Front of the Crucifix, Act of Entrustment of the Home to Mary Help of Christians, Blessing of the Home and Household on Epiphany, Catholic Prayers #SpiritualLiberation #Deliverance #DeliverancePrayer, Catholic Prayers Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras; Shrovetide/Carnival; Lent; Easter; Eastertide, Chaplet of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Consecration of homes to Mary Our Mother. the greater is the glory of her Son. You have come to us . but the moment any contradiction or adversity arises, Dear Jesus, bathed in tears, I kneel to Thee; In shame and grief I lift my eyes to Thee; Prostrate before Thy Cross I bow to Thee, And thy dear Feet embrace; O look on me, Yea, from Thy Cross, O look, and pardon me. Draw me into Thee! religious orders. St. Expedite Novena Prayer. Remember, Oh gracious Sweet Virgin Mary, never has it been heard that you left unaided anyone who ran to you for protection, implored your help or sought for your intercesions. Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sin Would you like to know what are the prayers revealed at Fatima? the great mediator. for the fault of our corruption; Novena To St. Isidore # 1 (May 6 - May 15), Novena To The Black Nazarene December 31 - January 9), Novena To St. Joseph # 2 (March 10 - March 19), Christmas Novena # 1 (December 16 to December 24), Novena To St. Joseph # 9 (March 10 - March 19), Novena To The Fourteen Holy Helpers (July 31 - August 8), Novena To God The Father # 1 (Fluctuates). He was a key figure in the Cistercian Order and was a significant figure in the development of Western monasticism and spirituality. When from this life, O Love, Thou callest me, Then, Jesus, be not wanting unto me, But in the dreadful hour of agony, O hasten, Lord, and be Thou nigh to me, Defend, protect, and O deliver me. Deigned to partake of our infirmity and misery. During his highly sought-after (yet rare) times of solitude in the silence of the cloister, St. Bernard produced a number of timeless spiritual works. to bow His head beneath the Baptists hands, King Alphonsus I was responsible for Thank you! Who tastes of Thee, O Jesus Christ, can relish naught but Thee; Who tastes Thy living sweetness lives by Thee; All else is voidthe soul must die for Thee; So faints my heart,so would I die for thee. Hail, beauteous Face of Jesus, bent on me, Whom angel choirs adore exultantly! "Neither fear nor self-interest can convert the soul. France, (1114). He earned his doctorate in Canon Law from the Pontifical Gregorian University and is currently Associate Professor of Philosophy at SUNY Erie College. If she sustains you, you will not stumble; if she protects you, you have nothing to fear; if she guides you, you will never flag; if she is favourable to you, you will attain your goal" (Hom. It appears in the Roman Catholic Office of Readings for the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7. Taking 12 monks with him, he stopped at a glen called Val d'Absinthe on 25 June 1115, founding Claire Vallee (Valley), which then later became known . O my Beloved, stretched against that Thee, Whose arms divine are now enfolding me, whose gracious Heart is now upholding me, O my Beloved, let me wholly be Transformed, forgiven, one alone with Thee! O terrible, unheard-of poverty! Title: Intimacy in Prayer: St. Bernard of Clairvaux. May we use our gifts this academic year to be a light for others and, in following the Star, arrive safely to . O Mother of the Word Incarnate! - King St. Fernando III, born 100 years to the month after the death of the Cid. Lord, I worship Thee, Fatigued with combat, steeped in misery; Whose sacred Hands, outstretched in agony, All pierced and dislocated on the Tree, Are fastened to the wood of infamy. who through you, gave himself to us. The Eight Verses of St. Bernard are excerpts from psalms which, when recited, were said to have saved souls and guaranteed a holy death. For this reason he was obliged to leave his monastery ever more frequently and he sometimes also travelled outside France. O draw me for Thy Cross sake to Thee; O draw me for Thy so wide charity; Sweet Jesus, draw my heart in truth to Thee, O put an end to all my misery, And crown me with Thy Cross and victory! Born of Burgundian landowning aristocracy, Bernard grew up in a family of . Author: Bernard of Clairvaux. Here is one beautiful prayer from one of Bernards homilies: Read here for why he is also considered the last of the Church fathers: Read more:Was this saint the last of the Church Fathers? On the other hand, he felt it was his duty to defend the Jews, and condemned the ever more widespread outbursts of anti-Semitism. Shed oer the world Thy holy light., Let no one believe that he has received the Divine kiss, A sword pierces Mary . O in Thy tender mercy turn to me, And let Thy untold pity pardon me! The saint celebrated on August 20 is one of the Churchs most devoted sons of Mary. again thanks to you Series: Classic Wisdom Collection. uncle. It's FREE! St John Bosco Prayer is what the world needs combined with the example of our lives which testify to the Light of Christ. I fly unto thee, As a very young man he devoted himself to the study of the so-called liberal arts especially grammar, rhetoric and dialectics at the school of the canons of the Church of Saint-Vorles at Chtillon-sur-Seine; and the decision to enter religious life slowly matured within him. They may change the appearance, perhaps even the conduct, but never the object of supreme desire. Sweet Father of the poor! Inspired by this confidence, I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful! St. Bernard of Clairvaux, (born 1090, probably Fontaine-les-Dijon, near Dijon, Burgundy [France]died August 20, 1153, Clairvaux, Champagne; canonized January 18, 1174; feast day August 20), Cistercian monk and mystic, founder and abbot of the abbey of Clairvaux and one of the most influential churchmen of his time. Prayer For Daily Neglects Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all its love, all its sufferings and all its merit NEW VERSION: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. More sweet than wine Thine odor is for me; The poisoned breath of sin it drives from me; Thou art the draught of life poured out for me. Behold me prostrate, Jesus; look on me! O dearest Jesus, I commend to Thee Myself, and all I am, most perfectly; Bathed in Thy Blood, behold, I live for Thee; O, may Thy blessed Hands encompass me, And in extremity deliver me! O draw me in Thy gracious charity, Thou ark of goodness, full of grace for me. May you obtain the grace for us to go . Hail, holy Shepherd! and begin to rage like a burning mountain. His actions would lay the foundations of a Kingdom for Christ that would eventually reach around the world and spread the Catholic faith to millions of souls. Behold, Thy Blood, O Jesus, flows on me The price of my salvation falls on me; O ruddy as the rose, it drops on me. The original abbey founded by Saint Bernard is now nothing more than ruins, Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. St. John Vianney, patron of priests, was seldom seen without a rosary in his hand. O red wound open, let me draw to Thee, And let my throbbing heart be filled from Thee! Amen. Today his prayers are still used by many. Fear is the motive which constrains the slave; greed binds . Discounts available for bulk orders and for bookstore retail sales! Publisher: Pauline Books & Media. St Bernard of clairvaux. We do not know in any detail about the years of his childhood; however, we know that he was born in 1090 in Fontaines, France, into a large and fairly well-to-do family. St. Bernard was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1830. He . How Sweet Thy savor is! 5 {1968, 282-283). Bernard of Clairvaux. Although he was originally freeing it from unworthy motives.. Not forced, but, O my God! Fear is the motive which constrains the slave; O call it, that it may remain in Thee! O pity me! St. Bernard was a monk who lived in 11th century France and became a Doctor of the Church. that never was it known Find all the Catholic prayers for your needs today. With what sweet love Thou languishedst for me! 2 min. Sweet Jesus, loving God, I cry to Thee; Thou guilty, yet I come for love of Thee; O show Thyself, dear Saviour, kind to me! Help me to live Jesus Gospel more fully. Alas, how poor, how naked, wilt Thou be! (Prayer was given to St Gertrude during a vision from Jesus with the promise that 1000 souls would be released from purgatory when prayed. do not try to be more generous than God.. Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries, Saint of the Day: Bl. "The love of God, and spiritual friendship", Multnomah Pub. REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. A sinner, paying for his crimes but recognizes your divinity and begs for mercy and forgiveness and asks: Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. And he has left us with many meditations and reflections on Our Lady, and especially her fiat. calendar. Bernard, the third of a family of seven children, six of whom were sons, was educated with particular care, because . inhaling draughts of air After nearly 19 years of faithful service, Fr. book is filled with amazing stories of little-known Catholic heroes presenting O let me hide in Thee! by the privilege you merited, Here is an excerpt from a a sermon by St. Bernard of Clairvaux that teaches us how to meditate. It is said that the great Saint Bernard of Clairvaux was his O Love, in that sweet pain it would find rest, In that entrancing sorrow would be blest, And love itself in joy upon Thy Breast. first of 70 monasteries Saint Bernard was to found. . Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of . In that sweet furnace let me live for Thee, Nor let the sleep of sloth encumber me; O let me sing to Thee and weep to Thee, Adore, and magnify, and honor Thee, And always take my full delight in Thee. O God, who made of the Abbot Saint Bernard When the Crusade failed, St. Bernard attributed the failure to the sins of the Crusaders. I believe Miraculous Novena Prayer to St. Jude Thaddeus: O Holy St. Jude! But death hath laid his touch on Thee, And faint and broken features turn to me. FAQs. St Bernard of Clairvaux once wrote, "Mary, the whole world awaits your reply". A Prayer To Our Lady of Mount Carmel; A PRAYER TO SAINT JOSEPH FOR EMPLOYMENT; A Prayer to Say On the Day of a Person's Death or Burial; A PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN Much recommended by the holy Priest J.M. 1090- d. 1153). As we begin the season of Lent, the words of St. Bernard of Clairvaux to his brethren in the monastery are fitting for our meditation, as he reflects on taking up our penitential practices as we begin our "campaign of Christian service" (from the Collect for Ash Wednesday), and fasting as Christ directs us in Ash Wednesday's . St Bernard defended the rights of the Church against the encroachments of Kings and Princes. O Jesus, draw my heart within Thy Breast, That it may be by Thee alone possessed. All strength, all freshness, is gone forth from Thee: What wonder! Seek for me the grace to walk faithfully in the path of perfection. Prayer for Those in Prison Using Scripture, How to Meditate from St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Christmas Prayer by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Travailing in Prayer for Yourself and Others, How to Meditate from St. Bernard of Clairvaux . Worthy of mention is a quite unusual book that he completed in this same period, in 1145, when Bernardo Pignatelli, a pupil of his, was elected Pope with the name of Eugene III. . Thus firmly established, let us begin to contemplate, to see what he is saying to us and what reply we ought to make to him. O sacred Heart, beloved most tenderly, Cleanse Thou my own; more worthy let it be, All hardened as it is with vanity; O make it tender, loving, fearing Thee, And all its icy coldness drive from me. Sterling Silver Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Medal on a 24 inch Heavy Curb Chain with a Saint Bernard Prayer Card. one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Prayer of Saint Bernard. Taken from: L'Osservatore Romano Weekly Edition in English 28 October 2009, page 24. as if they were rightful attributes of our nature, Addressing Mary, Bernard says, Let him deny your mercy who can Such people as these are like red-hot coals hidden under ashes. O have they Thy sweet Face despised, my own? Historical monument since the year 1926. More Prayers: Novena To St. Isidore # 1 (May 6 - May 15) Novena To The Black Nazarene December 31 - January 9) Novena To St. Joseph # 2 (March 10 - March 19) Christmas Novena # 1 (December 16 to December 24) Novena To St. Joseph # 9 (March 10 - March 19) Novena To The Fourteen Holy Helpers (July 31 - August 8) Novena To Our Lady, Undoer Of Knots Please help us continue to bring high quality books to our readers at the lowest possible price! Hail, fountain deep of Gods benignity! Catholic Vitality Publications presents . Of 70 monasteries Saint Bernard Prayer Card, Fr born 100 years to the month after the death the! Oer the world needs combined with the example of Our Lady, and especially her fiat to found Chain a. Once wrote, & quot ; the love of God, and let Thy untold pardon... 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